- Aha Shake Heartbreak
- Artie Boxxor
- Big Bad Wolfe/TV
- Brandon McQueen
- Brian Stockley/TV
- Calista Secor
- Calista Secor/TV
- Captain Cross
- Captain Cross/TV
- Caracas 1967
- Chasing Ghosts
- Christian Walker
- Christian Walker/TV
- Colbat Knight
- Deena Pilgrim
- Deena Pilgrim/TV
- Detective Kutter
- Devil in a Garbage Bag
- Doctor Tucker
- Dragonfist/Comics
- Dragonfist/TV
- Enki Sunrise
- Flinch
- Fuck the Big Chiller
- Funeral of the Century
- Hacks
- Heather Anderson
- Hell Night
- Jeb Wolfe
- Johnny Royalle
- Johnny Royalle/TV
- Jon Jackson Stevens
- Jumpstriker
- Krispin Stockley/TV
- Legacy
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- Like a Power
- Max Fowler
- Mickey Rooney Cries No More
- Money B
- Nucelus
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- Olympia/TV
- Origins
- Paint it Black
- Pilot
- Powers
- Powers (TV series)
- Powers (comics)
- Powers Wiki
- Queen Noir
- Queen Noir/TV
- Rainbow/TV
- Red Hawk\TV
- Requiem
- Retro Girl
- Retro Girl/TV
- Robin Spriggs
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Shaking the Tree
- Sharlto Copley
- Simons
- Slain Dragons
- Stealing Fire
- SuperShock/TV
- Supershock
- Susan Heyward
- The Bug
- The Ghost
- The Hereos
- The Raconteur of the Funeral Circuit
- The Shank
- Timberland
- Triphammer
- Triphammer/TV
- Ultrabright
- Unity
- Unity/TV
- Who Killed Retro Girl?
- You Are Not It
- Zora
- Zora/TV