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Simons is a criminal Power with the ability to create copies of himself and fire energy blasts. He is usually seen working as muscle for organized crime figures such as Johnny Royalle or The Lance.
The history of this character has not been recorded yet.
Simons represents the fear of being alone. He views each copy of himself as a twin brother with a psychic bond. The extreme fear of being alone may have birthed his power. Simons values loyalty and shows this through his actions time and time again. Whether its to his copys or to his employers and friends. No one is considered expendable and acts of violence and harassment run deep. Extremely sensitive and vulnerable to all sorts of emotional and mental manipulation tactics; Simons represents humanity in its most co dependent form. He labors to understand himself and mankind through constant experimentation and fragmentation of the mind and soul. Simons always shows a struggle going on inside. He has a question bothering his conscience and a passion eager to be explored. Insanely curious and always fearful of pain and suffering, he pushes the outer boundrys of his own imagination. Simons does not show much affinity for aggression. He does not like having one his copys subjected to giving harm or receiving it. Simons will prefer to run from any threat and only show courage when its to save a copy.
Powers and Abilities[]
Simons ability allows him to create perfect clones of himself from pieces of his whole. A little bit of spirit, individuality , and specific aspects of his personality may be inserted either on purpose or by random, depending on the role the copy is to play for him. A master of his own Id and Ego , he can force a personality split and create a version of himself designed to explore a facet of his spirit, or a struggle. Simons therefore cherishes the memory and experiences of each of his copies as none of them are simply created for menial tasks or manual labor. This allows Simons to grow and mature his mind, body and soul to levels far beyond normal humans. Where as, a normal person only has a lifetime of experience and time to use to grow, Simons possess a nearly infinite amount of growth, should he choose to fully abuse his powers. Capable of creating an unknown amount of lifetimes from within himself, Simons often over exposes his own soul to too much information and too many experiences, often overwhelming him. The death of a Simons is also the death of a piece of Simons soul and each loss removes a part of his humanity. Simons own powers will likely either crush his mind, or fragment his spirit and when combined with more human lifetimes worth of experiences and pain , could one day spawn an incredible villain. The sheer volume of mental training Simons has done with meditation and chakra experiments has given him the ability to cast psychic energy blasts. As each individual Simons grows his own body, mind and souls strength, so does the original gain the fruits of all their labor when re absorbed back into his body. With unlimited copies, all growing and adding to the whole, Simons one day could rival any Power in strength. His soul and his mind however, may break before that ever happens and Simons lifespan may also be shortening from the effects of splitting and dying. Simons also brings spy and stealth skill sets among others, as each Simons copy could potentially be created to master a craft, or attain knowledge of virtually anything.
Simons can understand all walks of life. A talented actor, artist, and musician. Simons copys are so useful as friends and conduits for personal growth, that he isolates himself from other personal relationships. Everyone who is not a Simons copy is generally treated with professionalism and all inter personal relations are explored through his copys.
Simons prefers a standard uniform as all of his copies must share in it when first being thrown into the outside world from within. Simons also likes to be able to spot himself in a crowd and likes the cleanliness and lack of DNA evidence that comes with being completely bald of hair. He purposefully has no exotic features. His appearance reflects the boring and bland aspect of the physical human body. This is designed to allow himself to focus on mental and spiritual progress. He is not unlike a monk in this respect. He also has an insecurity about judging people based on beauty and so, to keep Simons copys from being jealous of another's individual looks that they might have ; he has made it a rule to never be vain or dress in a way to make himself jealous as these kinds of confusions could fragment Simons mind , should he reabsorb giant changes to image and persona. Simons realized early on how much fashion had to do with individual ego and chooses a universal uniform to control how much change happens to his original self. After all, what we wear represents what we want to say to the world. Clothes represent identity and Simons has a unique struggle with identity that has many more pitfalls for insanity than normal.
"No! You can't have my power!" " I can't be alone again!"
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